
Monday, February 7, 2011

Run, Hamster, Run!!!

If you didn't know already "Run, Hamster, Run!" is the Maven's chant and hopefully we do it with style though I know personally I look more like the image below than above :)

As a team we encourage each other but I think we also challenge each other to produce more than we might on our own. This is a good thing I think.
I am so impressed with all the work coming from the Mavens Dens lately and it makes me very proud.

So....I hope you will forgive us if we don't always make our deadlines with the Mavens...yes, I'm late with this post.  Also the forum is quiet lately mostly due to how hard we've all been working but I figure you're all more interested in seeing what we create rather than us just talking about it.  If you have a question and you post it in the forum and we don't get right on it....try posting on our Facebook page as we all tend to see that more than anything.

One thing I did want to mention is a fabulous contest Nancy has going on her blog right now.  She's "Playing Favorites" with a contest to win something from either her Artfire or Etsy store up to $150!!!

If I won, my choice would be this beauty, Industrial Asymmetry

And all you have to do to enter is shop at one of her favorite stores and leave a comment on her blog about what you bought and from whom.  What a great deal!

Nancy has inspired me and I'm working on putting my own, similar, contest together and will announce as soon as I've figured it all out :)

Watch out for my Collection of wonderful things on Wednesday...I'll actually be doing Artfire and one Etsy....some yummy things I've been finding.

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