
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Return of Bead Mavens

This is a little earlier than I wanted to post but as there is some posting on Facebook going on about why the Mavens were closed down I thought I'd best address it right away.

When I approached Linda Jones about setting up a group originally we both agreed on some things that we both felt very strongly about. One was that  we wanted to create something of interest and education to the beading community, not that we thought we knew it all just that we can all learn from each other. Another thing we both felt strongly about was that if we were to have any contests they would be juried ones as both of us had an intense dislike for the popularity driven contests that become more about  campaigning for votes than about the beading.

It is the last point that brought about the downfall when other members of the group opposed this, previously agreed upon rule.  I offered to go on a sabbatical from the group while they did this but that wasn't good enough, and I eventually offered to leave my own group as I would rather do that than see something that was appreciated by the bead community disappear.

Obviously I wasn't taken up on that offer and ended up closing the group. 

Since then I have received many, many e-mails from people who wanted the group back, who felt it was worthwhile. So, after time to heal and after doing a LOT of thinking I have decided to bring back the Mavens although in a different format.

Obviously a group of very different personalities trying to agree on something didn't work so that needed to change.  I got to thinking about those original conversations with the much missed Linda Jones.  What we wanted to do, the goals we had.  

This time around I will use what I learned from before.
One of those things was that a lot of people wanted to be Mavens and contribute to the beading this time I've decided that Mavens will change each year.  I want to bring in designers who are just getting started in the world of tutorial writing....because I know the free tutorials were something everyone loved.  So what better way for you to test their tutorials out and get to know them here?

Right now I have four designers you may or may not know waiting in the wings to show you their way of doing things, to tell you how they design/approach things.  There are two spots open for the first year so I may as well invite you to apply....if you wish :)

You will need to be someone who is fairly new to writing tutorials, willing to share a couple during the year and able to write six posts in the year also.
If you are interested e-mail me at

My part this time around??  Mostly I'll be the emcee introducing the designers,  doing the page graphics and standing in if needs be, and I do make myself available to the designers if they need help on the tutorial front.  You can expect a free tutorial or two from me each year though :) 

The bead community has been great to me, I have gone from struggling to live to being able to have a life I enjoy and can relax in.....I try to pay it forward and this is one way I think I can....though some may call me crazy for helping my!  That's the kind of crazy I'm happy to be.

We won't start again until I have all my Mavens even though I am dying to introduce you because I am thrilled to have them aboard and I think you will be too.


  1. I am so happy to see you back. I am myself a contest roadkill so I know what you mean. I have only made some very simple tutorials for my forum and I cannot do graphics at all so it is photos and agreements with people who know graphics that makes up the content of my tutorials.
    I am most happy about the vote fishing approach that you have, it is in line with mine and I wish I at least could market myself and my jewelry as you do.
    Behind all the rambling, I am so happy you decided to bring the mavens back to life.

  2. There will always be those people who take the joy out of things for you. You just have to let them go.
    I am glad to see you back. Start fresh. Vote fishing is so darn "high school", you would think people would know better. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.
    Just let the crap roll off your back! ;)

  3. Very glad to see the Mavens starting up again. Mavens was a wonderful resource. The Mavens did a large amount of work with each post and i really appreciated it. Thanks so much Mikki!

  4. Woot! Woot!! Doing a happy dance for you Mikki...I'm so glad you are bringing this back. Seeing the Mavens was something that spurned me on to going back to beading.. ;)
    Looking forward to seeing the *new designers* - and hey I'll put my hand up also for any help if you need it.. ;)

  5. Thanks....lovely to hear :) We just need a little time to get things organized and then we'll be back :)

  6. I'm so thrilled to see that you are reviving the Bead Mavens & I totally agree with your view about contests. Like was said already, it really is very high school-ish. I look forward to meeting the new Mavens & please contact me if/when you run a contest. Would gladly donate one of my lampwork beads or sets.

  7. Mikki, this is terrific news and I'm very happy to hear Bead Mavens will continue in a new format. Giving a platform to beaders who are learning to write tutorials sounds like a great idea.
    Hope one day, I might join your ranks. I basically still have a lot to learn (a few more techniques) before I actually attempt to make my own designs. I have patience and think I will get there one day (it's one of my goals).
    Looking forward to seeing your new tutorials...

  8. Mikki I had no idea you had been working on this!!! Awesome and I know Linda would be proud of you!!!

  9. Thanks of the things I feel good about is keeping something going that Linda had a hand in creating. It keeps her alive for me and I hope that wherever she is she is happy that I'm continuing something we both felt worthwhile.
