
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Necessary Roughness

As you may have gathered by now all things are not well in 'Mikki-land' and it is necessary for me to close down the Mavens. I have to focus on my own business so I don't end up living under a bridge beading out of a shopping cart.

The blog will still be here for you to access the info we've shared.

I hope you will all continue to support the bead artists and designers we've is the support of the designers that keeps the art alive!

Beki Haley has a new Facebook group that I think Maven readers will be interested in...."All About Beadwaving" where you can ask lots of questions and get great information and advice.

Me? I've had to make lots of changes and still making them...Mikki 2.0
I'm back doing my own blog and there's more about my struggle/path over there.

Bead On!

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